Thursday 5 July 2012

Understanding Ethical Issues in Networking

1.1 What is chat room predator

Chat room is an area or forum on the World Wide Web that allows users to communicate with each other through instant messaging such as facebook, myspace and the other chat room. An online predator is an adult Internet users who exploits vulnerable children or teens, usually for sexual or other abusive purposes.

1.2  How can we prevent the children from falling into their traps

The solution is we need explain to them how to using the internet application in the right ways. They must know how important it is to not give out any personal information while they are in an online chat. Communicate, and talk to your child about sexual victimization and potential on-line danger. Spend time with your children on-line. Have them teach you about their favorite on-line destinations. Keep the computer in a common room in the house, not in your child's bedroom. It is much more difficult for a computer-sex offender to communicate with a child when the computer screen is visible to a parent or another member of the household. Utilize parental controls provided by your service provider and/or blocking software. While electronic chat can be a great place for children to make new friends and discuss various topics of interest, it is also prowled by computer-sex offenders. Use of chat rooms, in particular, should be heavily monitored. While parents should utilize these mechanisms, they should not totally rely on them. Always maintain access to your child's on-line account and randomly check his/her e-mail. Teach your child the responsible use of the resources on-line. There is much more to the on-line experience than chat rooms. Find out what computer safeguards are utilized by your child's school, the public library, and at the homes of your child's friends. These are all places, outside your normal supervision, where your child could encounter an on-line predator. Understand, even if your child was a willing participant in any form of sexual exploitation, that he/she is not at fault and is the victim. The offender always bears the complete responsibility for his or her actions.
  • Instruct your children: 
      • to never arrange a face-to-face meeting with someone they met on- line.
      • to never upload (post) pictures of themselves onto the Internet or on-line service to people they do not personally know.
      • to never give out identifying information such as their name, home address, school name, or telephone number.
      • to never download pictures from an unknown source, as there is a good chance there could be sexually explicit images.
      • to never respond to messages or bulletin board postings that are suggestive, obscene, belligerent, or harassing.
      • that whatever they are told on-line may or may not be true.

Here are some basic rules that everybody should use while chatting on the internet:
  • Never give out your last name
  • Never put your age as part of your nickname e.g david15
  • Never give anyone your phone number or agree to phone them
  • Carefully of people who ask you your age
  • Don't accept files from people who you don't know
  • Don't give out picture to people who you don't know

1.3 Application of Social Contract Theory

According to social contract theory (SCT),

“Morality consists in the set of rules governing behavior, that rational people would accept, on the condition that others accept them as well.”
(Rachels, p. 145)

The social contract theories of Hobbes, Locke and Rousseau all stressed that the justification of the state depends on showing that everyone would, in some way, consent to it. By relying on consent, social contract theory seemed to suppose a voluntarist conception of political justice and obligation: what is just depends on what people choose to agree to what they will.

Only in Kant (1797) does it become clear that consent is not fundamental to a social contract view: we have a duty to agree to act according to the idea of the “original contract.” Rawls's revival of social contract theory in A Theory of Justice did not base obligations on consent, though the apparatus of an “original agreement” persisted as a way to help solve the problem of justification. As the question of public justification takes center stage (we might say as contractualist liberalism becomes justificatory liberalism), it becomes clear that posing the problem of justification in terms of a deliberative or a bargaining problem is a heuristic: the real issue is “the problem of justification” what principles can be justified to all reasonable citizens or persons.

1.3 Can the government do anything to address chat room predator issues.

Government should set up new laws in chat room predator issues. Also, Government should oversee the internet user online data when users do the wrong thing. Government should censor the internet.(by using the system or smart technology) Government could just revoke the target user online connection when they try to do the wrong thing. Or the government could produce "To Catch A Predator"
In my opinion, the government involvement is not helpful to resolve this problem because it is the responsibility of parent to provide a better exposure for their child while using the internet.


Internet Predator Protection since (2002). Internet Predator Chat
Copyright © 2012 PCs N Dreams
Retrieved July 5, 2012 from

Rachels, (p. 145), Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679). According to social contract theory (SCT)
Retrieved July 5, 2012 from

Kant, Immanuel (1797 [1999]). Metaphysical Elements of Justice, second edn., John Ladd trans.
Indianapolis: Hackett.
Retrieved July 5, 2012 from

Sunday 24 June 2012



Ms Esther presenting her Case Study
The Symposium on IT Governance, Management & Audit (SIGMA) 2012 is brought by the Department of Information System, College of Information Technology, Universiti Tenaga Nasional, Malaysia. This symposium co-organized with ISACA – Malaysia Chapter is intended to bring together industrialists and academicians to share and exchange research ides and products expertise gearing towards the symposium’s theme ‘Governing the Future. Take Charge.

There’s 3 track briefed on 20th June 2012 which is Track 1: IT Governance & Framework. Implementation in Organization: Control Methodologies. Track 2: IT Audit, Risk Management & Information Security Practices and the last one is track 3: Knowledge Management, System & Platforms. We happened to choose the last track venue at BW-G-R04 between 2.30pm till 4.30pm and decided to discuss a topic brought by Ms Esther title Culture: An Indispensable influence on Knowledge Management (Nigeria as a case study)

In organization has their own organization culture and of course different organization will have different type of culture. Each organization also has different structure of their organization. Mostly they have their own way in conducting their culture in organization. For example, if you came late to work, your salary will be cut off but other organization either you came late they don’t cut off the salary. It depends for the organization in conducting the culture in their environment and will affect the knowledge management. Although the organization has different type of culture, but each person must have their own key differentiation with other people. The top management in organization know how to achieve but what the differentiate with others is knowledge management.

We have to look the knowledge management as our asset, with the knowledge; we were different with others and become more achievable person. Each person has to manage their knowledge however nowadays, although there had technology but the people, they don’t think about the importance of sharing knowledge and did not take it as seriously. They don’t take the culture as seriously and did not thinking about it. If this kind of attitude occurs, they will face with the failure. So, it is important to think the culture seriously.

Technology, information, skill and culture are the factors that contribute to the knowledge management. Information can view as the prudential knowledge and you have critical look on it, if you don’t, you didn’t know it is the prudential knowledge. It’s important for sharing knowledge with others, while skills also as the knowledge and technology have the main role for sharing knowledge. The culture is the way of human behaviour that with the knowledge, it can help us with everything. The culture can affect the people and also the technology as well. The culture also has affected the Nigerian perspectives.

The culture in Nigerian, regarding the Golic framework, the culture affects the people and technology. In Nigerians, all the decision making were made by the boss while the employee do not trust their boss. However, in Nigerians, it easier for the Nigerian to promote each other in the organization if they have the same tract, same religion and same culture. But, they did not share their knowledge with different people. Mostly they were doing based on their tradition and they don’t generate idea and renovate.

Nigerians also have difference perspectives in sharing their knowledge. In sharing the knowledge, their perspectives that they will get back in return, if they don’t get as a return, they will not share their knowledge. They not trust people however if you want some person to share the knowledge, you have to give something in return. For example, in another organization, if I share knowledge, it easier for you to talk to the boss to do the promotion, if this is positive, it lead to knowledge sharing, knowledge management, but if negative, it lead to the knowledge loss. This will directly effect to the organizational culture in knowledge management. however, in different organization place, If I don’t share my knowledge, you get angry and you would kill me or the boss fired me, it lead to the knowledge loss. It also occur in different religion, they do not share the knowledge with others different religions.

This assignment make we knows about the important sharing knowledge management in organization. The knowledge that sharing will help the organization more arrange in administer in develop their company. All staff will achieve a good work quality from their sharing knowledge with each other. They must forget their differences in culture, religion and position in organization. When they remove this barrier the organization will be firm and have good work atmosphere in work. In organization all people must help each other to ensure the organization management always smooth and produce high quality work.

Saturday 23 June 2012

Importance of Ethics among IT Professional

1.1 Introduction

Nowadays, we see that, there are fast developments in information systems. They are involving social and political relationships and so make ethical considerations in how information is used all the more important. Electronic systems now reach into all levels of field work, into the workplace, and into private lives to such an extent that even people without access to these systems are affected in significant ways by them. New ethical and legal decisions are necessary to balance the needs and rights of everyone.

Meaning of ethics are moral choices made by individuals in relation to the rest of the community, standards of acceptable behavior, and rules governing members of a profession. Ethics are principles and rules concerning duty to society, profession and business. The purpose of ethics in information systems is not philosophical or academic it can mean the survival of a business or industry. The issues relating to electronic information systems include control of and access to information, privacy and misuse of data.

The President of the Australian Computer Society provided a much shorter definition of ethics:

                                         “Doing the right thing even when no one looking.” 

             (Philip Argy, 2007)

1.2 Ethics among IT Professionals

Information and computer technology has brought about profound changes in society changes in how we work, how we play and how we interact with one another. There are very few aspects of modern life that have not been affected, and this revolution is not expected to come to an end any time soon. With social and technological change, come new opportunities for good and bad behavior think of peer-to-peer file sharing on the internet, and the use and misuse of personal data. Typically the policy makers are unable to keep up with the pace of this change. Society as a whole has to grapple with these difficult issues but computing professionals have a particular role to play because of their unique expertise.

In IT professionals, ethics is the most important things that contain many issues that must follow by IT professional. They must know the code of ethics that have many benefits and when they follow all the ethics as IT professional, this will show that they are professional in their field work.
1.3 Code of Ethics (Professional Standards), Function & Benefit

A code of ethics is a set of guidelines that many organizations use to help professionals understand how they are expected to behave as a member of that profession. Codes of ethics and professional standards outline how employees should approach their work and their customers. (Jessica Oman, 1999)

The function a code of ethics and professional standards are intended to regulate behavior and actions among members of a certain profession. Their function is to outline ethical obligations within the company and may indicate the consequences of not following the code. The benefit codes of ethics and professional standards benefit employees by providing them with direction to act within the morals of the profession. These codes can make a certain behavior the expected norm from any member of that profession, and can send a positive message to people outside the profession.

Establishing a code of ethics for information technology professionals encourages an IT worker to behave ethically and responsibly with the tools and information of which his employers have put him in control. (Hailey Galvenston, 1999)

There are a few example of standard professional code of ethic like Standard, Access, Prevention, Skills & Types.The first one is Standard, Standard is a code of ethics document sets the standards for what is expected of the IT professional. It reinforces what is considered right and wrong by using verbiage such as "always" or "never" to be as clear as possible. The second is Access, Access is a code of ethics reminds IT professionals that they are not to impede or manipulate pre-authorized access to the information or hardware of which they are in control. The third is Prevention, Prevention is a code of ethics helps prevent IT professionals from behaving in a malicious or harmful manner with company information and equipment. The fourth is Skills, Skills is a code of ethics helps motivate an IT professional to stay current in her chosen skill set in order to be more effective on the job for her employer. A motivated IT professional may also be encouraged to learn new skill sets as technology changes. For the last one is Types, which mean is a code of ethics documents can be tailored with verbiage that specifically affects only certain types of IT professional, such as programmers or cyber forensics experts.

1.4 Conclusion

As a conclusion, professional ethical issues can occur in developing any Information Technology system. However, the Internet and web allow many more people around the world to quickly connect to an IT system. As a result professionals are more likely to confront ethical issues when dealing with the Internet and the World Wide Web. When all IT professional follow the code of ethics, their organization will come out with good work ethics. Remember that having a good ethic is having a good attitude and finishing your work on time. People like to be around someone who is positive and in turn helping them have a better working environment.


Presented by Nurashiken Subari |SN084204|


Philip, A. (2007) Shorter definition of ethics
Retrieved June 23, 2012 from

Hailey, G. (1999) The Importance of a Code of Ethics for IT Professionals |
Copyright © 1999-2012 Demand Media, Inc.
Retrieved June 23, 2012 from

Michael Wolfe, How to Improve Ethics In The Workplace |
Copyright © 1999-2012 Demand Media, Inc.
Retrieved June 23, 2012 from

Jessica, O. (1999) Code Ethics & Professional Standards |
Copyright © 1999-2012 Demand Media, Inc.
Retrieved June 23, 2012 from